Wednesday, January 6, 2010

While I was cleaning out my closet

I found an old picture which I love.  Part of the problem of me taking pictures is my complete and utter disorganization.  I didn't even remember I took it, and had it in no particular place in a crazy closet.

Anyway, as soon as I saw it, I heard Samantha's voice in my head and thought it would look best in black and white. So, after I played with it a little in Picnik, this is what I came up with:

"Like Father, Like Son"

I'm not sure how I feel about the rounded edges and the vignette may be a little tacky, but it fades out the whiteness of his shirt a little.

And then this is SOOC (thanks, Amy for the catchy terminology. *wink, wink*).


AmyBean said...

I would like the vignette without the rounded corners. I hate rounded corners, only because if you print them out, they wouldn't have rounded corners, so I dont' see the point. But I do love me some vignetting.

Anyway, I agree with Samantha, it looks much better in b&w. Beautiful.

AmyBean said...

I can comment here too. All fixed!