Friday, January 8, 2010

We went to the park today...

but I didn't take my Rebel.  I hate taking my purse to the park and didn't want to hold on to too much stuff so I shoved my Elph into my pocket.  Bad mistake. 

I really, really played with editing today, but I still have nooooooo idea what I'm doing.  I wasn't able to download picasa for some crazy reason and my husband came home talking about cropping and feathering and he could have been speaking Mandarin for all I understood. I mean, stop yer' yappin' and download Photoshop already! And throw in a tutorial!

Anyway, these are my favorite.  They came out blurry because of the camera.   Maybe it adds to the allure.

"But I don't wanna play"

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" (Ames, I believe you have a similar shot, so for sure this was subconsciously inspired by you)

"I see nothing special about this shot" (haha- that's what my husband said when he saw this one)
"Well, I do!" (although I'm not sure what...maybe it just looked better in my head.  I don't think I captured what I was going for.)


AmyBean said...

I like the first one. I don't typically like the tilted effect (I've tried it, but mostly I don't like it), but I think it works in that one.

Swing shots are HARD. I know, because I ALWAYS try to get a good one every single freaking time we go to the park, and out of about a bajillion shots, I typically only get one or two that are passable. Still not great. Blah.

I kind of like the one that Ray doesn't like. Although it freaks me out, worrying that he's about to topple out of the swing. I'm very afraid of swings.